Drop your data on our web space

If you wish to send the KL team your data it is possible with the KL Druck web upload function.

Registering for the Web Upload Tool

In order to register for the upload tool please follow these instructions:

  1. Please login with user name and password you find below.
  2. On the next page "user" fill in all fields and open then re-sign with your own user name and password!
    (do not use special characters, accents or spaces)
  3. You will receive a confirmation e-mail!

In future, you can access your personal directly log in and mange all your data!

Go to KL Druck Web Upload 

Username: eingang_kldruck 
Password:  login

Upload your data

When uploading data please notice:

  • Transfer data only summarized, packed and closed.
  • Maximum amount of data packed per unit: 500MB .
  • Several data units can only be transmitted successively.
  • File name must be without accents or special characters!

Please send me an e-mail with the file and a pdf to view the scene as soon as the data has been transferred!